Yet again, it's been a hell of a long time since my last post, blah blah blah. I'm not like those people who can have a marvelously relevant epiphany after every workout. Well, I might be, but I certainly can't put any such insights into words with any particular ease. I just know that after doing the standing strengthening postures for a while I feel more solid and strong, and after circle-walking for an hour my movements seem more fluid and graceful, and after doing hundreds of strikes I feel a greater connection to the rest of my body and know how to use it more efficiently.
Consistency has always been my weak point. My wife says that I'm a "binge martial artist", by which she means that I overexert myself one day and spend the next several days too tired to do anything. I burn up all of my enthusiasm in the first day and get frustrated that I can't do as much for the rest of the week. So for some time now I've been trying to take things rather slower. Start small, and ease into progressively more demanding exercises. Lately, I've been focusing more on the strengthening postures, which for me at this point is effectively just the Lion posture. I probably go lower into the stance than necessary, but I find it convenient for leg conditioning, since the straining of the arms somewhat distracts me from the complaints I get from my legs anytime I do the horse stance alone.
One thing that I haven't been doing a lot of is circle-walking, which is shameful, considering I'm doing bagua. I do find it somewhat tedious, but it is still quite a workout. I just need to get into the habit of devoting more time to it than I usually do. My original (and somewhat unrealistic) goal was to eventually spend three hours every day training bagua. We'll see how far we get this time around.
I do have some other things to share, like my plans to join a local martial arts school, and my recent vacation to Pennsylvania, but those will have to wait for another time.